
Seven area public libraries are hosting the next in a series of “We’ve Been Here Before” programs, examining historical events that have lessons to impart given the current pandemic. The upcoming program is a moderated online discussion about the polio vaccine on Wed., March 24 beginning at 7 p.m.

Mass vaccinations in the U.S. during the 1950s helped eradicate polio. Learning about how this crippling disease was conquered 70 years ago can help put the current situation with COVID-19 vaccinations in perspective.

 The panel of experts for the polio discussion includes:

·         René F. Najera, Dr.PH, Editor, History of Vaccines, College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Chris Crenner, M.D., Ph.D., Hudson-Major Professor and Chair at the University of Kansas Medical Center; Carl Chinnery, a Past District Governor from District 6040 and member of the Lee’s Summit Rotary Club; Jim Arnett, Rotary District 5710 Polio Chairman and spouse of a polio survivor of Kansas City's 1946 Polio Epidemic

This program series is a partnership with the public libraries in Atchison, Basehor, Bonner Springs, Lansing, Leavenworth, Linwood, and Tonganoxie. Visit your library or register for the event using the following link: https://bit.ly/2PgymSV.

The next program in the series is entitled “And Here We Are Now.” It takes place on Wed., April 21 at 7 p.m. online via Zoom. The topic will include information about the COVID-19 virus, the three available vaccines, roll out/phases, and current CDC recommendations for people who are vaccinated. The following guests have been invited:

Sabato Sisillo, MD, Pulmonologist and Medical Director at Providence Medical Center; Prashanth Katrapati, MD, Cardiologist and Medical Director at Saint John Hospital; Lee A. Norman, MD, Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)

For more information, contact any of the aforementioned libraries. To learn more about this program and others at the Lansing Community Library, contact Library Director Terri Wojtalewicz at 913-727-2929, twojo@lansingks.org, or through Lansing Community Library website, lansingkslibrary.org.