IT Network Services RFP
The city of Lansing is interested in contracting with an experienced professional information services firm to provide the City with information technology management services in the area of network analysis and technical support, systems support, computer operations support, PC desktop technical support, software integration support, and IT policy and procedure development. The required services and performance conditions are described in the Scope of Work.
Prospective Firms must submit one unbound and one complete digital copy of their proposal. Include Chapter 1 with a Proposal Summary:
This Chapter shall discuss the highlights, key features, and distinguishing points of the Proposal. A separate sheet shall include all the contact people on the Proposal and how to communicate with them. Limit this Chapter to a total of to three pages including the separate sheet with contact personnel.
Include Chapter 2 on Profile of the Proposing Firm(s):
This Chapter shall include a brief description of the Firm’s size as well as the proposed local organizational structure. Specifically, the City is interested in the potential for a long-term service relationship that would include financial stability. Include a discussion on the Firm’s financial stability, capacity, and resources. If applicable, include all other firms participating in this Proposal, including similar information about the firm/subcontractors.
Additionally, this section shall include a listing of any lawsuit and/or subcontractors litigation and the result of that action resulting from (a) any public project undertaken by the Firm or by its subcontractors where litigation is still pending or has occurred within the last five years or (b) any type of project where claims or settlements were paid by the Firm or its insurers within the last five years.
Include Chapter 3 on Qualifications of the Firm:
This Chapter shall include a brief description of the Firm’s and sub-contractor’s qualifications and previous experience on similar or related projects. Provide a description of pertinent project experience with other public municipalities (maximum of four) and private sector (maximum of two) that includes a summary of the work performed, the total project cost, the percentage of work the Firm was responsible for, the period over which the work was completed, and the name, title, and phone number of clients to be contacted for references. Give a brief statement of the Firm’s adherence to the schedule and budget for each project.
Include Chapter 4 on Work Plan:
In this Chapter, present a well-conceived service plan. This section of the proposal shall establish that the Firms understanding of the City’s objectives and work requirements and the Firm’s ability to satisfy those objectives and requirements. Describe the proposed approach for addressing the required service, outlining the approach that would be undertaken in providing the requested services. Include a timetable for transition to full operation. Describe related service experience by both the Firm and any subcontractors in similar work. Please describe the role, extent of services (number of people used or saved, engagement duration, and contract value). Provide standard written operating procedures that cover the normal industry standard activities for Desktop Technicians, Network Administration and Security, Computer Operations and any other activities proposed by the Firm.
Include Chapter 5 on Project Staffing:
In this Chapter, discuss how the Firm would propose to staff this project. Firm’s key project team members shall be identified by name, specific responsibilities on the project and their qualifications. An organizational chart for the project team and resumes for key Firm’s personnel shall be included. Key Firm personnel will be an important factor considered by the Review Team or Committee. There can be no change of key personnel once the proposal is submitted, without prior approval of City.
Include Chapter 6 on Proposed Innovations:
The Firm may also suggest technical or procedural innovations that have been used successfully on other engagements and that may provide the City with better service delivery. In this Chapter discuss any ideas, innovative approaches, or specific new concepts included in the Proposal that would provide benefit to the City’s assessment of the Proposal. Focus primarily on cost-saving or efficiency-enhancing innovations. Include any performance- measuring matrix proposals as well.
Include Chapter 7 on Proposal Costs Sheet and Rates:
In this Chapter include the proposed costs to provide the services desired. Include any other cost and price information that would be contained in a potential agreement with the City. In addition, include the costs for extra after-hours services or any other services that are considered optional additions.
All bid proposals shall be submitted to:
City of Lansing
Office of the City Clerk 800 1st Terrace,
Lansing, KS 66043
Proposals must be delivered no later than September 22th, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. All proposals received after that time will be returned to the submitter unopened. Your proposal must include the acknowledgment and receipt of the addendum published on September 13, 2023.
The prospective firm shall submit the original (unbound) and two (2) bound copies of its bid proposal in a sealed envelope, addressed as noted above, bearing the firm’s name and address and clearly marked:
The contractor, including subcontractors and vendors, will be required to comply with the Kansas Act Against Discrimination (K.S.A. 44-1001 et seq.) and the Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment (K.S.A. 44-1111 et. seq.).
The City of Lansing assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or low income status as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.L. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. The City of Lansing further assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not.