Effective Mon., Feb. 1, a new city of Lansing ordinance will require individuals to wear masks in public spaces to protect citizen health and welfare from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Ordinance 1053 was adopted by the Lansing City Council on Jan. 28 and will remain in effect through March 31, 2021 subject to continued monitoring of local COVID infection rates. In November, Ordinance 1050 was approved by the Lansing City Council which initiated mask wearing in Lansing. That ordinance continues through Jan. 31, 2021.
Included in the Ordinance 1053 text are acceptable exemptions to the ordinance, particularly with regard to medical conditions. The ordinance also specifies penalties for non-compliance. Definitions for what constitutes a mask, public space and other terms are included.
For more information, contact Lansing City Hall at 913-727-3036.