The city of Lansing will tentatively begin cleaning and recording video of their sanitary sewer pipes on Mon., June 24, 2024. The work is anticipated to last for two weeks, weather permitting. Work will occur in an area bordered by K-7/Main St. on the west, E. Kansas on the north and Olive St. on the south – generally the same area where smoke testing was performed earlier this month.
George Butler Associates (GBA) is under contract to clean and inspect the City’s sewer mains. Door hangers will be placed on front doors before work begins. Work will occur Mon. – Fri., 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. City employees or contractors will not need to enter residences at any time.
It is important that residents in the project area (see online map) prepare their plumbing fixtures. Sometimes hydraulic cleaning equipment will push air up through some plumbing fixtures in your home and might cause an unexpected discharge of water from private service lines up through drains, toilets, and other plumbing fixtures.
Prior to the work, residents should:
- Flush all toilets and lay a towel across the top of the seat;
- Close the lids on all toilets;
- Run water in each plumbing fixture for 15 seconds (to ensure water is in your P trap);
- Cover floor drains with a towel and paint can, or an empty five gallon bucket.
Occasionally, after the maintenance has been completed, cleaning the lines will remove all water from the traps and may result in an odor coming from the drains or plumbing fixtures. To flush the odor away, simply run water in the drain for 15 seconds, or flush the toilet.
For more information, navigate to or contact the City’s Wastewater Department at 913-727-2206.