indoor hoop

The Lansing Parks and Recreation Dept. will be taking registrations for youth in first through sixth grades for the winter basketball program beginning Fri., Oct. 1. Registration continues through Fri., Oct. 29, Mon. – Fri. from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation office, 108 S. 2nd St. Registration can also be made through Oct. 31 online.

Participation fees are $45 per registrant for Lansing residents, due at the time of registration. Non-residents can register for $50 per youth. Registrations may not be taken after Oct. 31. If late registration is accepted, a late fee of $10 per participant will be charged. Assistance for qualifying individuals may be available. For scholarship information, contact our office or go here. Deadline for scholarship applications is Fri., Oct. 15.  Refunds will not be offered after the equipment/jersey order is placed on Nov. 15, 2021.

Practices will begin in December. Games will begin in January after the holiday break. Games run through mid-March. All spectators, coaches and participants not actively involved in play will be required to wear masks or face coverings. PLEASE NOTE: Public health issues could impact the status of this and other recreational programs. If the Youth Basketball season is canceled, the city of Lansing will refund registration fees.

For more information, call 913-727-2960 or email parks@lansingks.org