Bernard Park Trails Reopen

The city of Lansing has reopened the natural surface walking trails at Bernard Park, which were closed last year during construction of the new baseball/softball complex. Runners and hikers can now go back to enjoying the park’s trails – except where signs indicate areas that are off-limits (see highlighted areas of map.) Park patrons are asked to stay out of the baseball complex itself, particularly the newly seeded areas surrounding the complex. Visitors are also asked to stay off the new parking lot for the time being.

City staff is working to restore all trails back to original condition. There are still some soggy areas, particularly near the stream along the north loop, so hikers should be advised of potential wet conditions. Construction traffic may also access the ballfields through the main park entrance and the construction entrance – which is part of the trail. Staff and contractors ask that park patrons avoid blocking access for workers with their vehicles.

Bernard Park is located at 15650 Gilman Rd. in Lansing – about 2.5 miles west of K-7 and 4H Rd.

For more information, contact Lansing’s Parks and Recreation Dept. at 913-727-2960 or email